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How It Works

Noat.Card Have you ever faced a situation where you put all your efforts to learn something, but always end up forgetting everything? You create various notes on different subjects in the hopes that you will revise them at an appropriate time. But when the time arrives, it becomes impossible to navigate the large sea of information, and eventually, you bang your head against the wall!

Honestly, we all have been there at some point in our lives. Indeed, organizing the information mess is the single most difficult task for the students. Similarly, people also tend to forget over 90% of what they have learned after a week.

So, is there really a way to get out of this painful trap?

Well, thank your lucky stars because we are going to revolutionize the learning process for you, once and for all.


Introducing Noat.Card, an innovative Software as Service that creates a unique kind of learning experience. One that connects your ideas, organizes them, and helps you retrieve them in a fraction of time.

Leveraging the unending power of spaced repetition technique, Noat.Card assembles information in systematic chunks and shows it at regular intervals so that you can remember your lessons without wasting a second. Not only that, it also allows you to create a huge repository of knowledge, thereby making it easy for you to share the lessons with everyone immediately. Just like the oil makes your bicycle move without friction, Noat.Card makes the learning process seamless for learners.

What Is Spaced Repetition Technique?

Noat.Card is not your regular learning tool. Nor do its out-of-the-box techniques become obsolete after a few days. Rather, it is an ultra-modern tool that utilizes the power of spaced repetition method to help you take the lessons at regular intervals and embed the knowledge in your long-term memory. The flashcards will be shown at increasing intervals so that you can drive better retention rates, which ultimately leads to outstanding learning outcomes. Just spend a couple of minutes every day and become a world-class expert without delay!

Make quizzes and say goodbye to forgetting

Solidify your knowledge and practice your lessons with our quiz cards, designed specifically to take the overall learning to the next level. Simply create fun quizzes through Noat.Card and check whether your memory stands the test of time.

Sharing knowledge has never been easier

The way Google reinvented the internet world, Noat.Card reinvents the knowledge sharing world. Share knowledge with interested students through easy-to-navigate flashcards and nurture an effective learning culture. You can also create a huge repository of knowledge that can be accessed by a wide array of interested students, anytime, anywhere.

Git and Markdown

While developing Noat.Card, we have combined the utility of Git and Markdown in one place. Our end goal? To make the sharing of knowledge hassle-free for everyone, while also helping you control several tasks simultaneously. Git enables you to edit notes without overriding others’ work, whereas Markup allows you to write everything through easy-to-read text format. With result-oriented technologies at the helm, you will achieve your learning and knowledge-sharing goals in no time.