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Noat.Cards 2.0: Quiz Practice, cloze cards, photo/audio cards, support schema file

It had few weeks from the day I launched and received some feedbacks from other user from missing feature. Today, I am glad to release new features bellow:

  • Photo/audio card: Support card which contains a photo or an audio resource.
  • Cloze detection: Cloze deletion allows you to set up note cards where the key information is blanked out, and your job is to retrieve it
  • Quiz Practice mode: Support practice quiz card
  • schema file: Declare your knowledge repository which schema file

Photo/Audio Card

A photo can say a thousand words, that why we support media card. The media card can be photo card or audio card. Bellow is example for a multiple level flash cards which content audio and photo accordingly

## Camera

Camera a device for taking photographs 
or making films or television programmes:


I forgot to take my camera with me to Portugal,
so I couldn't take any photos. Television camera 
crews broadcast the event all round the world. 
It was said of Marilyn Monroe that the camera 
loved her.





UK /ˈkæm.rə/ US /ˈkæm.rə/

Cloze detection

Cloze Deletion is a fancy term for ‘fill in the blank’. Some of you might be questioning why I only use this type of note when creating text based cards instead of basic (traditional) cards where there’s a front and a back. The reason is because it is been shown to be more effective and saves you time in the long run. The cards you make are special, meaning you should almost never delete them since you’re going to spend so much time making them. Cloze cards allow you to blank out multiple key terms from a sentence1.

To create a cloze detection, the blank keywords need to surround with the mark up {{c<level>::<blank key words/phrase words>}}.

  • All the same level cloze will display as the same time

Example card:

## Camera

Camera a device for taking {{c1::photographs}} 
or {{c2::making films}} or television programmes:

I forgot to take my {{c3::camera}} with me to Portugal, 
so I couldn't take any photos. Television camera 
crews broadcast the event all round the world. 
It was said of Marilyn Monroe that the 
{{c4::camera}} loved her (= that she looked very 
attractive on film and in photographs).

Show the card on telegram

Quiz Practice

Practice quizzes require you to bring previously acquired information to mind. By retrieving information, you organize it and create cues and connections. Repeated over time, information that is often retrieved becomes more retrievable in the future.2

Reference the quiz repository

Schema file

Instead of using header file, you can create declare file call .noatcards.yaml which follow format

type: noatcards
  - file: <relative path to your deck file *.md>
  - file: <relative path to your deck file *.md>
  - file: <relative path to your deck file *.md>

For example:

type: noatcards
  - file: c-(programming-language)/
  - file: dotnet-framework/
  - file: scala/

Reference the quiz repository

  1. 6 Steps to Make High Yield Anki Cards for Medical School ↩︎

  2. Super Brain: How Interactive Quizzes Help Retain Knowledge ↩︎