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Free to learn, free to share your skills

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Noat.Cards - a knowledge learning and sharing platform | Product Hunt


Auto schedule your learn session by apply Spaced repetition learning technique. The technique is may be the most powerful technique in existence for improving your brain’s ability to recall what you study.

Markdown, a very readable format to write when quickly taking notes and it mostly gets out of your way, allowing you to focus on the content.,

Backed by Git. Easy to revision your knowledge and track down the improvement

Support multiple cards type. Note Card, Flash Card, Quiz Card

Support create Quiz Competition game.

Support simple Heat Map to monitor your learning progress day by day.

Open source knowledge

Open source knowledge

By reusing open source knowledge in GitHub, simple way to create Noat.Card repo. Just perform a few customize follow Noat.Cards knowledge repository format

Open source knowledge

Multiple platform PC/Mobile

Multiple platform PC/Mobile

Powered by Telegram which already well supported in multiple platforms. You are able to use Noat.Cards just with a Telegram client

Multiple platform PC/Mobile

Share your knowledge with anyone you want

Share your knowledge with anyone you want

Knowledge sharing is essential for a company to achieve success, since it can facilitate decision-making capabilities, build learning organizations and finally, stimulate cultural change and innovation

Share your knowledge with anyone you want

Quiz Competition

Quiz Competition

A quiz is a form of game in which the players attempt to answer questions correctly. It is a game to test your knowledge about a certain subject

Quiz Competition

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